Oh awesome phone
You keep us connected to the world
You correct our spelling
And most of all I love u
From my old phone to me new phone
You are my favorite
You have the coolest ring back tone
And you keep my connected to everyone
From text to calls
You have my other on speed dial
When you ring my skin crawls
And I love that you are a touch screen
We use you for calls
we use you for facebook
We use you to browse the internet
You have everything we need
Oh awesome phone
Your something we cant live without
You are so exciting to own
And I'm happy you are all mine
One thing to look at is the use of figurative language in odes. Typically, an ode doesn't point out obvious functions of an object, and if it does, it points them out in ways that aren't immediately obvious. What kind of comparisons could you make? How can you make a reader see this object as extraordinary? What should we see? What kind of texture should we imagine? How would you describe what the fingers must do in order to see the treasures within the phone?